Ключевые слова: Камчатка, немецкие ученые, Киттлиц, Штрекер, камчадалы.
The lifestyle of the Ka mchadals in the first half of the 19th century through the eyes of the German scientist and artist Baron von Kittlitz
The publication is based on a partial translation of the work "Memoirs of a Journey to Russian America, Micronesia and Kamchatka" by the German ornithologist and artist Baron Friedrich Heinrich von Kittlitz, about a round-the-world trip on the military sloop "Senyavin" in 1826–1829 under the command of Lieutenant
Commander F. P. Litke in which Kittlitz participated on behalf of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Research of Kamchatka in the first half of the 19th century.
Keywords: Kamchatka, German scientists, Kittlitz, Strecker, the Kamchadals.