Ключевые слова: минтай, филе минтая, консервы рыбные, икра минтая, рыбокомбинаты, разделка минтая, Берингово море, Охотское море, рыбный промысел, Камчатрыбпром.
How Pollock became edible
The article describes the main stages of the development of pollock fishing in Kamchatka waters and the production of pollock products: technical feed and fat at first, valuable food then. The priority of certain Kamchatka enterprises and personalities in ensuring the release of specific types of fish products is shown.
Keywords: pollock, pollock fillet, canned fish, pollock caviar, fish processing plant, fish processing, The Bering Sea, The Sea of Okhotsk, fishing, Kamchatrybprom.