способствует укреплению национальных и общечеловеческих ценностей. В данной работе процесс взаимовлияния будет рассмотрен в рамках исследования национальной одежды жителей Пенжинского района Камчатского края, где нашло отражение взаимовлияние корякской и эвенской культур.
Ключевые слова: взаимовлияние культур, эвены, коряки, одежда эвенов, одежда коряков, коренные народы севера.
Ethnic mutual influence in the traditional clothes of the peoples of Kamchatka
The article is devoted to the process of mutual influence of ethnic cultures in the Kamchatka Territory. The specificity of the existence of the northern peoples has a great impact on all social relations, including interethnic contacts and relations. The study of ethnic cultures contributes to the strengthening of national
and universal values. In this paper, the process of mutual influence will be considered in the framework of the study of the national clothes of the inhabitants of the Penzhinsky district of the Kamchatka Territory which reflects the mutual influence of the Koryak and Even cultures.
Keywords: mutual influence of cultures, the Even, the Koryak, clothes of Evens, clothes of Koryaks, indigenous peoples of the North.